Ketamine Therapy Recovery | Ketamine for Depression

a woman having conversations with a woman in a white coat while sitting on a couch
a woman having conversations with a woman in a white coat while sitting on a couch

Ketamine Therapy Recovery: How to Optimize Your Ketamine Experience

Ketamine is a psychedelic drug with powerful antidepressant properties. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration first approved it as a general anesthetic. Now, it is also approved as an antidepressant. It is also frequently used for various mental health concerns. Research shows Ketamine can improve anxiety, depression, addiction, and other mental illnesses.

If your healthcare provider recommends ketamine therapy, congratulations! Many people experience notable results from this powerful drug. What you do before, during, and after treatment can impact your outcome. Always follow your doctor’s ketamine therapy recovery instructions for the best results. Here is some additional information to help you optimize your
ketamine experience.

What to Expect After Ketamine Therapy

Some people may feel dizzy and light-headed following their procedure. That’s normal and doesn’t mean treatment isn’t working! Ketamine therapy can rapidly relieve depression and other mental illness symptoms. Most people experience improvements within a few hours of infusion. Many patients experience long-lasting results after completing all recommended sessions. Most would agree the positive impact of this therapy is worth any minor side effects.

Some people feel peaceful, reflective, and inspired after ketamine therapy. Many factors can influence how you feel after your infusion. Your mindset going into the procedure can impact your post-infusion recovery.

What you do after each session can also impact your experience. Your mind is more malleable during ketamine therapy recovery. Take advantage of this fact and use your post-infusion time wisely. Focus on healing and personal growth in the days and weeks following treatment. This will help to optimize your ketamine experience.

What to Eat After Ketamine Therapy

You should fast for up to six hours before your ketamine infusion. Your doctor may also recommend taking a Zofran tablet before your treatment to alleviate nausea. After your procedure, you may resume eating and drinking as desired. But you may feel nauseous for a while, so it’s best to eat mild foods like applesauce or bananas. Once your nausea subsides, your normal appetite should return.

Research suggests ketamine may have a dehydrating effect on the body’s cells. So, it’s important to rehydrate your body during ketamine therapy recovery. You can drink plain water but may also want to drink electrolyte-containing beverages. During dehydration, your body loses electrolytes, which can worsen your post-procedural symptoms. Replacing your electrolytes soon after ketamine infusion may help alleviate unwanted symptoms.

What Activities to Avoid After Ketamine Infusions

You may take a while to return to normal after your infusion. Most people have low energy and some dizziness immediately afterward. Some people also feel nauseous and disoriented for up to 24 hours. For your safety and the safety of those around you, there are some activities you should avoid for at least 24 hours after your procedure. They include:

  •  Driving a vehicle
  •  Making important decisions
  •  Engaging in vigorous physical activity
  •  Operating heavy machinery

Instead of doing these things, permit yourself to take it easy. Feel free to nap and sleep off some of your fatigue when you get home. If dizziness and fatigue persist 24 hours after your procedure, talk to your doctor.

Ketamine Therapy Recovery Tips

During ketamine therapy recovery in Los Angeles, you’ll have a window of opportunity. Your brain remains in a more open and flexible state for up to 10 days after each session. During this time, focus on letting your body and mind relax and heal. To optimize your ketamine experience, here are a few recovery tips for using your post-infusion time wisely.

  • Avoid stress
  •  Reward yourself with stillness and quiet space
  •  Be patient with yourself
  •  Continue all your ketamine therapy infusions as prescribed
  •  Maintain your self-care habits and practice good hygiene
  •  Implement healthy new habits
  •  Explore your emotions and life choices
  •  Meditate on how you can be more caring and compassionate with yourself and others

Schedule Ketamine Therapy in Los Angeles

Ketamine Therapy LA is a trusted provider of Ketamine Treatments in Los Angeles and West Hollywood. If you have anxiety, depression, or other mental health concerns, call us at 323-650-9883. We can schedule you for safe and effective ketamine infusions. We look forward to helping you find relief and healing.

Frequently Asked Questions About Ketamine Therapy Recovery

A typical ketamine therapy session lasts approximately 40-60 minutes. Infusions occur in a comfortable, closely monitored environment. Arrange for someone to drive you to and from your appointment. You will be in a mind-altered state after treatment and won’t be able to drive.

You should never drink alcohol after a ketamine infusion. Doing so could make potential side effects worse. You may be able to drink alcohol 48 hours after your treatment. Always check with your doctor first.

Before your infusion, tell your doctor if you’re taking other medications. Some medications can reduce the effectiveness of ketamine infusion, including:

  •  Lamotrigine and other anticonvulsants
  •  Benzodiazepines, such as Xanax, Klonopin, and Ativan
  •  Memantine or any other drug that interferes with NMDA receptors

You should also avoid mood-altering drugs such as opioids, alcohol, and cannabis. These drugs may be unsafe after ketamine infusion. They can enhance neuropsychiatric symptoms.

It’s natural to experience an altered state of mind during and after your infusion. Other side effects associated with ketamine treatments include:

  •  Nausea
  •  Hallucinations
  •  Vomiting
  •  Confusion
  •  Temporary dissociation
  •  Increase in blood pressure
  •  Cystitis

Some people may also experience dangerous side effects. These may include severe schizophrenia-like perceptions or persistent neuropsychiatric symptoms. Serious side effects are rare, but possible. Your doctor will carefully monitor you throughout your treatment.

If you have severe symptoms after your session, tell your doctor immediately. There may be safer alternatives for people who don’t respond well to ketamine infusions.

Some people may need more ketamine treatments than others for optimal results. Your doctor will recommend the right number of treatments for your situation. Most doctors recommend anywhere between 6-10 infusions over an entire course of treatment.

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