Natural Depression Treatments & Other Alternatives

Natural Depression Treatments & Other Alternatives

If you suffer from depression, there are many natural depression treatments and alternatives to traditional medication. However, millions of men and women are suffering from some degree of depression. A small percentage of these people receive mental health care from professionals, but many find that traditional medication has no lasting effect, if any at all. This can result in treatment-resistant depression (for those that do not respond to antidepressants). Additionally, although medications are an established treatment for depression, some people would rather not take any medications for various reasons.

You can do many things on your own, along with therapy treatments, to fight depression. Read on to learn about some natural depression treatments and alternatives to medications.

Establish a Routine

Depression can destroy the structure in your life. The days can blur together, making it easy to feel you’ve lost control and are lost. However, setting a gentle schedule and simple daily routines can help you take hold of your life.

Set Some Goals

When you are depressed, you may feel unable to accomplish anything, resulting in feelings of guilt. Start small and set goals that you can quickly achieve, like tidying the living room every other day. As you accomplish your goals, you can add more challenging or long-term goals.


Exercise temporarily boosts endorphins, which are feel-good chemicals great for depression. Regular exercise may also bring long-term benefits for those with depression, as it seems the brain is given a chance to rewire itself in positive ways. In addition, simple exercises, such as walking, provide beneficial help.

Improve Sleeping Habits

Some symptoms of depression include anxiety, fatigue, and feelings of sadness, all of which can affect your sleeping habits and cause you to get too little sleep. This can make depression worse. Keep to a sleeping schedule where you wake up and go to bed at the same time every day. Try not to nap and take distractions (like TV and computers) out of your bedroom.

Avoid Alcohol & Other Drugs

Substance abuse is very common among those that suffer from depression. You may be more likely to turn to alcohol or other drugs to deal with symptoms of depression. However, long-term use and abuse of these can lead to increased mental health problems. Your brain may also be affected negatively.

Related Article: “Ketamine for Addiction | Healing the MInd” >>>


Ketamine for depression is an excellent solution for individuals who do not respond to antidepressants or do not wish to treat their depression with medication. Ketamine being hailed as the biggest breakthrough in depression in over 60 years. This alternative to traditional medication works by increasing glutamate, which allows the brain to rewire itself and become more adaptable.

Read more about Ketamine for Depression >>>

Depression Treatment Near Me

If you are finding natural depression treatments work well for you and are looking for more alternatives to medications, Ketamine may be the solution. Ketamine Therapy LA is the leading provider of Ketamine for Depression in West Hollywood and LA. Schedule a consultation to speak with a Ketamine expert today by calling (323) 650-9883.

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Spravato (esketamine) Los Angeles | Nasal Spray for Treatment-Resistant Depression

Spravato (esketamine) Nasal Spray for Treatment-Resistant Depression Available in Los Angeles

Spravato (esketamine) nasal spray is the first FDA-approved nasal spray to be used in conjunction with oral antidepressants. Millions of men and women suffer with a form of depression, and many will experience treatment-resistant depression. Spravato was created to provide a more effective way to help those with this serious condition. Read on to learn more about esketamine and how Spravato works. 

Benefits of Spravato

  • Improve treatment-resistant depression
  • Treat major depressive disorder
  • FDA – approved
  • Faster symptom reduction 

Understanding Spravato esketamine for Depression

Spravato is a prescription medication used alongside antidepressants. It is a nasal spray containing esketamine that improves treatment-resistant depression and major depressive disorder. Spravato was approved by the FDA in 2019 to be used with oral antidepressants. Studies show that Spravato combined with antidepressants is 37% more effective than the pill alone.

Esketamine is made from the synthetic drug, Ketamine. Esketamine is more potent and works to heighten the levels of glutamate. Glutamate is a chemical messenger in the brain that, when in abundance, allows for better communication between brain cells. This effect very positively affects a person’s mood.

Adam Kaplin, M.D., Ph.D., a psychiatrist at Johns Hopkins Medicine, said this about esketamine: “For the first time in 60 years, we have a new antidepressant therapy that isn’t just a spinoff of existing drugs…“For some people, esketamine therapy is revolutionary, giving them the chance to experience life without depression for the first time in decades”.

How Spravato Works

Traditional antidepressants are slow to provide relief if any at all. It can take several weeks for any noticeable change. These common medications, typically prescribed for those with depression, work to increase naturally occurring chemicals like dopamine and serotonin. These naturally occurring chemicals are messengers that communicate with each other between brain cells. Spravato’s esketamine medication adds upon those efforts by increasing neurotransmitters so that the communication between brain cells is easier, better, and more efficient. Spravato used with antidepressants can provide faster relief than antidepressants taken alone.

The nasal spray is self-administered. A very low dose of esketamine is delivered in bursts through the nose. Spravato is administered under the supervision of a healthcare professional who will also monitor your symptoms for at least 2 hours after treatment.

Due to the nature of esketamine, Spravato nasal spray is only available through a restricted program and should be thoroughly researched and discussed with a doctor. Spravato has side effects and may not be right for everyone, as with all prescription medications. Protect your health and wellbeing by learning more about esketamine and Spravato.

Learn about Spravato side effects and safety information>>>

Spravato Nasal Spray vs. Ketamine Infusion Therapy

Spravato and Ketamine infusion therapy can both provide relief in depression patients.

They act on the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor in the brain. NMDA receptors play a role in learning, memory, and mood regulation. NMDA receptor dysfunction is linked to depression and other mental health disorders. Both Spravato and Ketamine infusions block the NMDA receptor.1 This increases the production of neurotransmitters like dopamine and glutamate, which improves cognition and mood.

A key difference between Spravato and Ketamine infusion therapy is how they’re administered. Ketamine goes into the body through an IV infusion for 45-60 minutes. Spravato is a nasal spray version of the drug. Patients can self-administer it, but we monitor them for two hours to ensure no side effects.

As far as dosage goes, Spravato is more potent. So, we generally give ketamine infusions at higher doses. The body metabolizes Ketamine differently when delivered intravenously. If you’re new to Spravato, we’ll start you on a lower dose and adjust according to how your body responds to it.

Spravato and Ketamine infusions share similar side effects:

  •  Headache
  •  Blurred vision
  •  Floatiness
  •  Nausea
  •  Drowsiness
  •  Increased blood pressure
  •  Dissociation
  •  Hallucinations

Both treatments are safe when administered and monitored by a professional. Choose a reputable provider to get excellent results.

Spravato's Success Rate for Treating Depression

Many patients who have tried other forms of anti-depressants with no luck see success with Spravato. In a study, patients who took Spravato to treat their depression experienced a 55% remission rate at 32 weeks.2 It can be an effective treatment for addressing tough-to-treat depression.

Spravato Candidacy

Ideal candidates for Spravato are adults who have tried traditional antidepressants without success. It’s usually prescribed as part of an extensive treatment plan. This may include therapy and other medicine.

Though Spravato can be effective for some patients, it’s not suitable for everyone. Those with a history of the following shouldn’t use Spravato:

  • Substance abuse or addiction
  •  Uncontrolled high blood pressure
  •  Vascular disorders
  •  Aneurysms

Determine your candidacy by scheduling a free consultation with Ketamine Therapy LA. We’ll go over your medical history and suggest a safe and effective treatment plan.

Spravato Nasal Spray FAQs

Spravato nasal spray is FDA-approved to treat treatment-resistant depression in adults. However, it’s not approved to treat anxiety disorders yet. Since anxiety and depression are related conditions, some may experience anxiety relief with Spravato. But there’s limited research showing its efficacy for this purpose.

Spravato cost in LA is different for each patient depending on various factors:

  •  Severity of depression
  •  Prescribed dosage
  •  Number of treatments
  •  Provider’s location and expertise
  •  Insurance coverage (where applicable)

Get an accurate quote for the treatment by consulting with a reputable provider like Ketamine Therapy LA. We can craft a custom treatment plan with a breakdown of costs.

Insurance coverage for Spravato varies depending on your healthcare provider and plan. It’s a specialty medication, so insurance policies may have unique eligibility requirements. Insurance companies may bill for the cost of the medication and administration separately. Call your insurance provider to find out coverage details and out-of-pocket costs.

Get the Spravato (esketamine) Nasal Spray in Los Angeles and West Hollywood

If you suffer from treatment-resistant depression or major depressive disorder, Spravato may be right for you. Ketamine Therapy LA is a premier provider of Ketamine and ketamine treatments in West Hollywood. We can help you learn more about this revolutionary medicine for depression and if it’s right for you. Schedule a consultation with us today to learn about Spravato by calling (323) 650-9883.

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Ketamine for Addiction | Healing the Mind Made New

Ketamine for Addiction | Healing the Mind Made New

Ketamine continues to grow in popularity, effectiveness, and quality. Studies now show Ketamine treatments are effective for treating various conditions like depression, anxiety, PTSD, addiction. Ketamine revolutionizes how the mind can be healed.

Targeting the roots of mental health and overall wellness, Ketamine has been proven to not just simply dull symptoms. Under careful and close medical care, Ketamine is being used to bring relief to the generation of people who brought mental illness to the forefront of societal wellness. Ketamine offers healing for those weary souls struggling to find normalcy despite their mental illness.

Read on to learn more about Ketamine for Addiction and how this therapy can help you find the relief you need.

What is Ketamine?

Ketamine is a synthetic drug, used primarily as a sedative since the 1970s after being used in wartime. In addition, it has also found several uses as anesthesia for veterinary medicine and emergency room situations. Now, Ketamine has recently been studied in clinical trials and tried under medical care in safe environments.

What is Ketamine Therapy?>>

Ketamine for Addiction?

Ketamine activates a particular “brainfood” called glutamate, which works to sustain and create neural pathways in the brain. It’s an essential process that uses Ketamine to enable the brain to grow and regrow connections. This makes the effects of Ketamine long-lasting and more immediate. Unfortunately, many of the typical medications for treating mental issues are not as effective or have short-term effects. In addition, most of these medicines have to be in your system for weeks or even months to have any effect at all.

Ketamine revolutionizes how traditional treatments can treat depression and addiction. Ketamine treatment is typically administered intravenously. In addition, it is often paired with more conventional therapy or mindfulness. Ketamine reduces the likelihood of relapse to substance addiction and treats many other forms of mental illness.

Can Ketamine Work for Me?

Most of Ketamine’s current popularity deals with Ketamine as a great proponent for individuals experiencing depression or anxiety. However, more recently, Ketamine is helping treat addiction. Ketamine takes effect quickly and allows individuals in a sustainable long term way to break free from their struggles.

Particularly, if you experience treatment-resistant symptoms, Ketamine offers a new method of treating the mind. Traditional practices and medicines have done their part and often reach a plateau in helping individuals overcome mental stressors and conditions. Ketamine is incredibly versatile in treatment and allows you to customize your treatment to your specific needs.

Learn more about the effects of Ketamine on the brain>>

Ketamine Treatment Near Me

Talk to a specialist today to find out more about Ketamine treatment near you. Ketamine Therapy LA with Dr. Sirak offers current advancements in Ketamine treatments in your area. Call us today for a free consultation at (323) 650-9883. Or reach out to us online to find out more about Ketamine today.

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Ketamine Clinic

Ketamine Clinic

Ketamine clinics are becoming more common as Ketamine is on the rise as a new treatment for mental and physical conditions. If you experience treatment-resistant symptoms or have conditions in which you experience little improvement, Ketamine may be right for you. Read on to learn all about what happens at a Ketamine clinic and how this new method for healing works.

Benefits of Ketamine

  • Near Instant Results and Improvement
  • Improve overall mental wellness
  • Treatment occurs in controlled, comfortable setting
  • Treatments are professionally monitored
  • Increase mental adaptability
  • Different from traditional therapies and medication

How Ketamine Works

One reason men and women seek out Ketamine clinics is that Ketamine works differently from traditional methods. Research shows Ketamine triggers glutamate production in the mind, allowing new pathways and connections to form. As the mind becomes more adaptable, trauma can be released, relief is found, and the mind rewires itself.

Many traditional medications for mental health, such as SSRIs, can take many weeks or months to have any positive effect. For those with physical conditions such as chronic pain, an opioid prescription is commonly prescribed, leading to opioid dependence or addiction—the body’s reaction to Ketamine jumpstarts treatment, not merely the presence of Ketamine in the body.

What to Expect During Treatment

Ketamine treatments are administered intramuscularly or infused intravenously. Each treatment session occurs over 40 – 60 minutes and is administered by a skilled professional. Sessions take place in comfortable and closely monitored settings. Ketamine does not affect the respiratory system, though patients may experience an altered state of mind. Typically a set of 6 – 10 sessions is recommended for a complete treatment course. Ketamine therapy treatments can be personalized to meet each patient’s individual needs and circumstances. As such, the cost will vary. Contact a provider directly to learn more about Ketamine and what to expect from treatments. During a complimentary consultation, you will be able to discuss the risks, benefits, and long-term results of Ketamine treatments.

Why Choose Ketamine Therapy LA as your Ketamine Clinic

At Ketamine Therapy LA, treatments take place in our beautiful CRMC Wellness clinic located in the heart of West Hollywood. We have a certified life coach and psychologist on hand to help guide you in Ketamine treatments for a safe and fulfilling experience. Dr. Sirak is our Ketamine provider and has had extensive experience working with Ketamine. As a board-certified anesthesiologist and master injector, Dr. Sirak delivers quality care and results. Ketamine is most familiar to and utilized by anesthesiologists. Protect your investment and ensure a safe and profound healing experience by choosing Ketamine Therapy LA as your Ketamine clinic.

Ketamine Clinic Near Me

Choose Ketamine Therapy LA as your Ketamine clinic and reach out to us today. We are the leading provider of Ketamine treatments in West Hollywood and Los Angeles. Men and women searching for an exciting new option for treatment to help improve mental health and physical well-being should contact Ketamine Therapy LA by calling CA (323) 650-9883.

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Ketamine Clinic Near Me | Ketamine Therapy Treatments

Ketamine Clinic Near Me | Ketamine Therapy Treatments

Searching “Ketamine Clinic Near Me” can be a daunting task. Ketamine therapy treatments are gaining popularity as a safe and effective treatment for mental health conditions. With that popularity has come a surge of clinics popping up and offering this treatment. You may be asking yourself questions such as, how can I know which clinic is trustworthy? Is Ketamine right for me? Read on to learn all about Ketamine treatments and how to choose the best Ketamine clinic.

What is Ketamine?

Ketamine is a synthetic drug. It was first discovered in the 60s. Since its discovery, Ketamine has been used primarily as an anesthetic. Many scientists and researchers extensively study the properties of Ketamine, particularly for mental health illnesses and other treatment-resistant conditions like chronic pain. Thanks to this extensive research, it has been proven that Ketamine helps increase glutamate production. Glutamate is a powerful brain process that allows neurons to communicate with each other better. Essentially, Ketamine allows the mind to rewire itself. This is the main difference between Ketamine and other treatments available today.

Related Article: Ketamine treatment cost >>

Ketamine Applications

Many clinics offering Ketamine treatments have a wide range of conditions they are able to treat. Some of these include:

Is Ketamine Safe?

When looking through your “Ketamine Near Me” options, you might be wondering if Ketamine is safe. Ketamine treatments are still relatively new. However, studies continue to show the safety and efficacy of Ketamine in treating many conditions. Some of the most popular uses for Ketamine are for Depression and Anxiety.

Learn more about what Ketamine therapy does>>


Ketamine has recently been lauded as the biggest breakthrough in treating depression in 60 years. The traditional SSRIs (such as Valium or Prozac) that are typically prescribed for depression often take weeks to have an effect, if any at all. However, studies at Yale University show that, as Ketamine positively impacts neuroplasticity through the increased production of glutamate, depression can be improved with just one infusion.


Chief psychiatrist Dr. John Krystal of Yale Medicine explains how Ketamine is different from traditional methods by stating: “with most medications, like Valium, the anti-anxiety effect you get only lasts when it is in your system. When the valium goes away, you can get rebound anxiety”. The Centers of Psychiatric Excellence CEO, Dr. Prakash Masand, also spoke on Ketamine for anxiety. He said: “Ketamine has been studied and shown [to be] effective with an array of anxiety disorders, including SAD, general anxiety disorder (GAD), and PTSD.” 

An honest and trustworthy Ketamine clinic will be able to answer your questions and discuss the effects of Ketamine for any condition you may have. Choose a skilled and reputable provider for optimal results and a safe experience. 

Choosing a Ketamine Clinic Near Me

End your search for a ‘Ketamine Clinic Near Me’ and start your healing journey by choosing Ketamine Therapy LA. Ketamine Therapy LA is the top provider of Ketamine treatments located in Los Angeles. Men and women in West Hollywood that are seeking Ketamine therapy treatments should contact Ketamine Therapy LA. Find out if this new method of healing is right for you. Call us today at (323) 650-9883 or reach out to us online to learn more.

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Ketamine for PTSD | Evolution of Ketamine

Ketamine for PTSD | Evolution of Ketamine

Did you know that Ketamine can be used as a treatment for PTSD? Once used as an anesthetic on the battlefield, Ketamine is now helping individuals fight battles of mental health. Through medical advancements and research, more and more benefits of Ketamine are being discovered. Particularly in the realm of mental health, Ketamine is shown to be a fast-acting treatment with positive long-lasting results. Read on to learn more about Ketamine and how this synthetic drug can help treat PTSD.

Ketamine Heals The Mind

Ketamine treatment for PTSD is unique because it works first to target the mind/brain, instead of merely dulling symptoms. PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, occurs when a person experiences and/or witnesses a traumatic event and has difficulty recovering from it. The effects PTSD can have on a person vary from anxiety, to nightmares, to depression. Existing treatments for those suffering from PTSD is not as effective or successful as those affected often need them to be. This is where Ketamine comes into play as a major game changer. Ketamine, being administered via infusion, triggers the production of glutamate. This complex body process allows the brain to be more adaptable and create new neural pathways. The brain literally is given a change to restructure itself with the help of Ketamine.

Dr. John Krystal of Yale Medicine, a chief psychiatrist and pioneer of Ketamine research, explained that “when you take Ketamine, it triggers reactions in your cortex that enable brain connections to regrow. It’s the reaction to Ketamine, not the presence of Ketamine in the body that constitutes its effects”. He goes on to explain further why this is so important in comparison to traditional treatments for mental health. Dr. Krystal says “with most medications, like Valium, the anti-anxiety effect you get only lasts when it is in your system. When the valium goes away, you can get rebound anxiety”. It’s no wonder more and more men and women are turning to Ketamine for relief. Ketamine can help those treated release trauma like no other treatment can.

Related Article: Introduction to Ketamine for Anxiety >>

What To Expect During Ketamine Treatment

Ketamine for PTSD is administered intravenously over a period of 40 – 60 minutes. Typically, 10 sessions are prescribed for a full course. Infusions will typically take place in a comfortable setting, closely monitored by professionals. Ketamine does not affect the respiratory system, and patients maintain consciousness. They can also speak though some could experience an altered state of mind. Ketamine treatment is maximized when used in therapeutic settings. Because of that, it is recommended to keep in mind what kind of experience you’d like before choosing a provider.

Related Article: Ketamine Infusion Treatment in West Hollywood >>

Ketamine Treatment Near Me

Ketamine Therapy LA at CRMC is devoted to providing this profound healing experience to residents in the Hollywood and surrounding areas. Master injector and board-certified anesthesiologist Dr. Sirak administers Ketamine at the Ketamine Therapy LA clinic at CRMC. He believes that Ketamine therapy treatment makes real progress possible. Contact them today for a free consultation and to start your healing journey.

Fill out the online form or call Ketamine Therapy LA at CRMC today at (323) 650-9883.

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Introduction To Ketamine for Anxiety

Introduction To Ketamine for Anxiety

The medical reach of Ketamine is ever expanding. Research proves that Ketamine for anxiety, treatment-resistant depression, and many other ailments, is an effective healing agent. 

Ketamine is a synthetic drug that was discovered in 1962 and used as an anesthetic during times of war. Research on this synthetic drug has continued throughout the years. During that time, it was discovered that Ketamine could be useful in treating some mental distresses under supervision. Ketamine is now widely used to treat many forms of anxiety. Read on to learn more about Ketamine, how it can treat anxiety disorders, and where to find Ketamine treatment.

How Does Ketamine Work

Ketamine treatment for anxiety works differently than all other traditional medications commonly prescribed. Ketamine helps individuals push past remission plateaus when they suffer from anxiety disorders such as Social Anxiety Disorder and General Anxiety Disorder. Ketamine encourages damaged brain connections to regrow.

Studies from Yale research labs show that Ketamine promotes the production of glutamate, a complex process of the body that essentially allows the brain to create new neural pathways. The brain becomes much more adaptable through this process. Ketamine triggers glutamate production and new neural connections.  They can give those treated an opportunity to develop more positive thoughts and behaviors. This type of effect from Ketamine is not seen in traditional antidepressants. Because of this, it is making ketamine a game changer for healing in mental health.

Chief psychiatrist Dr. John Krystal (of Yale Medicine) explained that “with most medications, like Valium, the anti-anxiety effect you get,” only lasts when it is in your system. When the valium goes away, you can get rebound anxiety”. Dr. Krystal also calls Ketamine the ‘anti-medication’ medication” due to the unique effect Ketamine has on the brain that no other medication can match.

Related Article: What does Ketamine Treatment do? >>

Ketamine Treatment Therapy

Individuals receiving Ketamine for anxiety will typically receive Ketamine by infusion. These infusions are most successful in therapeutic environments. The infusions are given intravenously over a 40 – 60 minute session, and are safe and relaxing. Patients will remain conscious and able to speak as Ketamine does not affect the respiratory system. However, those treated may experience an altered state of mind during treatment time.

Ketamine has almost instantaneous healing effects. A series of 10 infusions are prescribed for a full course.

Ketamine therapy for anxiety is an exciting new option for all who are suffering from the straining effects of any anxiety disorder. Treatment effects are fast-acting, and results can be long-lasting. One of the greatest traits of Ketamine is that the treatment doesn’t merely mask symptoms and side effects. In addition, Ketamine starts healing right at the source- in the brain.

Related Article: Find the best Ketamine Treatment Near Me >>

Ketamine Near Me | Hollywood, CA

If you or someone you know is looking for a top rated ketamine provider near you, contact CRMC Wellness today. You can do so by calling (323) 650-9883 for a free consultation. CRMC Wellness in Hollywood is the premier provider of Ketamine therapy treatment for anxiety and other mental health conditions. Ketamine is administered by Dr. Sirak, a board-certified anesthesiologist and master injector at CRMC. Regain a sense of hope and purpose through Ketamine treatment and contact CRMC Wellness today by filling out the form online or calling (323) 650-9883.

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What Does Ketamine Therapy Do?

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Woman smiling and graphic saying "What can Ketamine Therapy do?"
Man sitting and contemplating with words that say "what does Ketamine Therapy do?"

What Does Ketamine Therapy Do?

The answer to the question ‘what does Ketamine therapy do?’ is simple; Ketamine therapy does a lot of good. When Ketamine was first discovered it was utilized as a short-lasting anesthetic on the battlefield in the 1960’s. As clinical studies on this synthetic drug were completed throughout the years after its initial discovery, Ketamine was found to have multitudinous benefits. Read on to learn more about the specifics of what Ketamine can do.

Ketamine Therapy Treatment

What Ketamine can do for both physical and mental health is astounding and backed by medical studies. The discovery of Ketamine therapy has been hailed as “the biggest breakthrough in the field of depression in over 60 years”. Studies have found that Ketamine being administered in a lower dose (lower than the amount for sedation) provides therapeutic relief for both mental and physical conditions. Some conditions Ketamine can treat include:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Migraines
  • Suicidal Ideation
  • Chronic Pain
  • OCD (Obsessive-compulsive disorder)
  • PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder)

Related Article: Find the Best Ketamine Treatment on Hollywood >>

Ketamine Therapy | Healing For The Mind

One of the greatest answers to the question of ‘what does Ketamine therapy do?’ is that Ketamine helps heal the mind. Typically administered intravenously/by infusion, infusions do not affect the respiratory system and patients are still conscious and able to speak throughout the treatment time. In many instances, the effects of a Ketamine therapy treatment are almost instantaneous. The fast-acting relief is another reason, among many, that Ketamine is being brought to light as a medicine for mental health.

Ketamine promotes the production of glutamate, this process allows neurons in the brain to better communicate with each other. Essentially, the brain can now rewire itself and create new neuropathways. Ketamine is fast-acting to provide relief and has long-term healing effects. The body’s reaction to Ketamine, and not the presence of Ketamine itself, is what helps heal the mind. This is the main difference between Ketamine therapy treatment and other medicines for mental illness.

The effectiveness of Ketamine therapy is catching on and many clinics now offer this revolutionary treatment. However, Ketamine is utilized most by anesthesiologists and thus they are the most familiar with the medication and how to properly administer it.

Learn more about Ketamine Treatment for Depression >>

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Ketamine Infusion Treatment in West Hollywood

Man looking happy after ketamine infusion in west hollywood.
Man looking happy after ketamine infusion in west hollywood.
Woman smiling after ketamine infusion treatment in west hollywood.

Ketamine Infusion Treatment in West Hollywood

Searching for ‘Ketamine infusion near me’ will likely yield thousands of results as Ketamine therapy treatments are skyrocketing across the nation. Thanks to medical advancements and studies, Ketamine has been found to be effective in treating mental and physical health. Some of these conditions include depression, anxiety, chronic pain, and PTSD. For those interested about Ketamine treatment, there is a great deal of information they can learn. 

There are also some tips for finding the best Ketamine infusion provider near you in West Hollywood.

Why Ketamine Infusion

As you search for ‘Ketamine infusion near me’ it is good to keep in mind why you would like to choose Ketamine at all. Ketamine is a synthetic drug that was first used as an anesthetic in battlefields starting in the 1960’s. Now it is a revolutionary treatment that can provide therapeutic relief for both mental and physical ailments. For depression particularly, Ketamine is being called the “biggest breakthrough in the field of depression in over 60 years”.

Ketamine is typically administered intravenously/by infusion in low doses and works instantaneously in many cases. Recent research shows that low doses of Ketamine given by infusion help improve many mental illnesses. With an excellent safety profile and promising long-term results, men and women are looking to Ketamine for healing and relief.

Related Article: Ketamine Treatment for Depression >>

What Ketamine Can Do

As with any procedure, treatment, or medication- even for ‘ketamine infusion near me’- knowing what you want out of this is vital to making an informed and intellectual decision. Ketamine infusions do not affect the respiratory system, and though patients will enter an alternate mental state, they remain conscious and able to speak. One of the greatest benefits recently found about Ketamine is its ability to improve brain health by promoting the production of glutamate. 

This process of glutamate production enables neurons in the brain to communicate more clearly with each other, thus allowing the brain to heal itself. Unlike traditional medications that have brain chemicals (like dopamine and serotonin), Ketamine does not have to be present in the body in order for the effects of it to be working. It is the reaction to Ketamine, and not the Ketamine itself that improves mental and physical conditions.

Studies show that 6-10 treatments is ideal for sustained relief. Ketamine infusions are not for everyone, and a good provider will be able to help you determine if it will benefit you.

Related Article: Ketamine Treatment and Lamar Odom >>

Ketamine Infusion Near Me | The Best Provider In West Hollywood

The best provider in your search for ‘Ketamine infusion near me’ will be someone familiar with and experienced in handling Ketamine. Additionally, the person providing the Ketamine infusion will have a direct effect on your experience before, during, and after treatment. 

The Cosmetic Rejuvenation Medical Clinic or CRMC is a top-rated provider of Ketamine infusion in West Hollywood. Committed to providing the highest standard of care, Ketamine infusions are performed by Dr. Sirak Darbinian, MD. Dr Sirak has years of experience with Ketamine and is a board-certified anesthesiologist. Learn more about this revolutionary treatment by connecting with the Ketamine Therapy Clinic today for a free consultation!

Contact the Cosmetic Rejuvenation Medical Clinic (CRMC) today by filling out the online form or by calling (323) 650-9883.

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Woman looking content after Ketamine treatment.
Woman smiling after Ketmaine Therapy.
Woman looking content after Ketamine treatment.


Hailed as the “biggest breakthrough in the field of depression in over 60 years,” the use of Ketamine Infusion Therapy in the treatment of mental health has skyrocketed in the last two years. With more and more clinics offering this novel treatment, patients must know what to look for when Googling Ketamine treatment near me.


Ketamine is a medication long utilized as a sedative and anesthetic. However, research demonstrates that Ketamine, when administered at a much lower dose than normally given to sedate a patient, offers several therapeutic advantages in treating numerous mental illnesses. These include depression, PTSD, addiction, chronic pain, and anxiety.

Related article: Ketamine Treatment for Depression >>


Ketamine is believed to increase a person’s resiliency towards stress and anxiety. It is thought that Ketamine enables the production of glutamate. This is a chemical that helps neurons within the brain to communicate with other neurons.

When used in a mental health setting, Ketamine is typically administered intravenously. Ketamine begins to work almost immediately. Typically, a series of 10 infusions treatments are prescribed for the full course. However, this may vary depending on the condition being treated

We also have a certified life coach available to guide you through your experience during treatment and help you gain skills and the ability for a more fulfilling and mindful self. Let us help you transform your past into a brighter future. 


Ketamine’s efficacy is so profound that many clinics have begun administering this new, safe treatment. However, this medication is most familiar to and utilized by anesthesiologists.

Therefore, to ensure patients of the Ketamine Clinic at CRMC receive the highest standard of care, Ketamine infusions are performed by Dr. Sirak Darbinian, MD. Dr. Sirak is a board-certified anesthesiologist with years of experience working with Ketamine. He believes that Ketamine treatment with therapeutic intention can have a profound healing experience for his patients.

Ketamine Treatment Near Me

Informed men and women living in West Hollywood looking for the best Ketamine treatment in their area choose Ketamine Therapy LA at CRMC. Prioritizing experience, expertise, and competitive pricing, CRMC is the premier provider of Ketamine Infusion Therapy in Los Angeles.

Learn more by scheduling a consultation. Contact Ketamine Therapy LA at CRMC online by filling out the form below or call (323) 650-9883.

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Collo, G., & Merlo Pich, E. (2018). Ketamine enhances structural plasticity in human dopaminergic neurons: possible relevance for treatment-resistant depression. Neural regeneration research13(4), 645–646. LINK.

Duman R. S. (2018). The Dazzling Promise of Ketamine. Cerebrum : The Dana Forum on brain science2018. LINK.

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