The Interesting Ways Ketamine Rewires the Brain

a lovely lady suffering from a headache
a lovely lady suffering from a headache

The Interesting Ways Ketamine Rewires the Brain

There are many ways that Ketamine affects the brain. For many years now, Ketamine therapy has shown great potential in treating both neurological and psychiatric disorders. Studies on Ketamine and mental illness show that even one treatment can provide incredible, instantaneous, and lasting relief. As ongoing research uncovers even more benefits for the mind, the popularity of Ketamine continues to rise. Read on to learn about the interesting ways Ketamine rewires the brain.

How Ketamine Rewires the Brain

Ketamine clinics are popping up nationwide with the rise in popularity. However, Ketamine therapy is still relatively new. One of the many reasons people are turning to Ketamine is its unique effect on the mind. Here are a few of the most exciting ways Ketamine affects the brain.


How Ketamine increases glutamate in the brain is perhaps the most breakthrough research being done on this treatment. Glutamate is the most abundant excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain and plays a critical role in many essential brain functions, such as learning, memory, neuroplasticity, mood regulation, and motor control.
Studies show Ketamine releases glutamate in the prefrontal cortex and other brain regions. This increase in glutamate can help patients make lasting changes and respond well to new experiences.

In an article published by Harvard Medical School, Dr. Robert C. Meisner explained more about Ketamine and glutamate. He wrote: “One likely target for Ketamine is NMDA receptors in the brain. By binding to these receptors, Ketamine appears to increase the amount of a neurotransmitter called glutamate in the spaces between neurons…this process likely affects mood, thought patterns, and cognition.” 1


Studies also show Ketamine to increase BDNF, Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor, positively. BDNF is an essential protein that affects the development, growth, and maintenance of neurons in the brain. Like glutamate, BDNF also plays a vital role in cognitive function, memory, and mood regulation. Additionally, studies show that higher levels of BDNF can decrease the risk of developing mood disorders.

mTOR Pathway

Ketamine has been shown to activate the mTOR pathway, which is a cellular signaling pathway involved in regulating protein synthesis and cell growth. One study suggests that the effect Ketamine has on the mTOR pathway contributes to its quick antidepressant results. In this same study, researchers state that “The rapid antidepressant response after Ketamine administration in treatment-resistant depressed patients suggests a possible new approach for treating mood disorders compared to the weeks or months required for standard medications.” 2

Other Neurotransmitters

Ketamine has been found to affect other neurotransmitter systems in the brain, including dopamine, serotonin, and acetylcholine. For example, Ketamine has been found to increase dopamine release in certain brain regions, which may contribute to its mood-elevating effects.

The Many Treatment Applications offered at Ketamine LA Therapy

Rewiring the brain can solve a myriad of mental health disorders and physical conditions. Ketamine Therapy LA is the trusted Ketamine provider in West Hollywood and Los Angeles. These are some of the conditions we expertly treat with Ketamine.

Ketamine for Anxiety

Anxiety plagues more than 40 million people in the United States. With Valium (commonly prescribed for anxiety), the anti-anxiety effects will only last while the medication is in your system. Once gone, it is very possible to get ‘rebound anxiety’.

Ketamine for Depression

For those specifically struggling with treatment-resistant depression, Ketamine may be right for you. Where SSRIs (like Zoloft or Prozac) can take some time to work, Ketamine has an almost instant effect. Many patients report relieved feelings of fatigue and sadness for up to a week after just one treatment.

Ketamine for PTSD

PTSD symptoms often include depression and memory impairment. As Ketamine increases glutamate and improves other functions of neurotransmitters, it is an ideal treatment for PTSD. Dr. Prakash Masand (chairman of COPE) states that “30-40 percent of PTSD is treatment-resistant to commonly used treatments and needs innovative treatments. An innovative treatment for PTSD cases that don’t respond well to traditional treatments is Ketamine IV infusions. The benefits of Ketamine are substantial…” 3

Ketamine for OCD

Ketamine for OCD is being studied widely, as there are few solutions available now. Those that have opted for Ketamine treatments for OCD have reported a loss of compulsion during their first infusion- a huge feat, especially for anyone desperate for relief.

Ketamine for Addiction

In a study done recently by the New York State Psychiatric Institute, researchers state that Ketamine “significantly increased the likelihood of abstinence, delayed the time to relapse, and reduced the likelihood of heavy drinking days”.

Ketamine for Chronic Pain

Chronic pain and depression often occur hand-in-hand. Studies are showing Ketamine to be just as, sometimes more, beneficial than opioid medication typically prescribed for chronic pain. Ketamine treatments offer significant pain relief in addition to a significant improvement in symptoms of depression.

Ultimately, Ketamine’s effect on the brain is extremely nuanced and complex. More research and study are required for providers and patients to understand it better. However, with our current information, Ketamine treatment is already a revolutionary step toward mental wellness. With such promising benefits for the brain, it is no wonder Ketamine therapy is becoming so popular.

Although Ketamine is not the cure for all mental health conditions, it is a promising path to helping you regain your life. Traditional medications have many drawbacks and spotty, sometimes dangerous effects. The Ketamine difference is stark and full of unique benefits for the mind.

Rewire Your Brain with Ketamine in LA

Discover the ways Ketamine can rewire your brain today. Contact Ketamine Therapy LA today. As the leading provider of Ketamine Therapy in West Hollywood, CA, we provide safe and effective treatments. We are dedicated to helping you gain a new lease on life with the long-lasting benefits possible with Ketamine. Book a consultation with us today to discover if Ketamine therapy suits you. Call 323-650-9883 to get started.

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The Trippy History of Psychedelics in Medicine

men talking and discussing about ketamine
men talking and discussing about ketamine

The Trippy History of Psychedelics in Medicine

The use of psychedelics in medicine has a long history. In ancient times, cultures used psychedelics like mushrooms in religious rituals. Others turned to them for their supposed therapeutic benefits. In the mid-20th century, psychedelics became the subject of intense scientific research. Experts started exploring them as possible treatments for mental health conditions like PTSD, depression, and anxiety.

Ketamine: A Breakthrough in Psychedelic Therapy

Ketamine is an effective form of psychedelic therapy that became popular in recent decades. Its original purpose is as an anesthetic for surgeries. But researchers have found potential use in treating conditions like anxiety and depression [1].

Ketamine is a fast-acting medication that treats severe depression and mental health illnesses. Traditional antidepressants can take weeks or months to take effect. In contrast, Ketamine produces rapid improvements within hours.

Most people tolerate Ketamine well. The risk of serious side effects is lower than other treatment options. These factors make Ketamine a significant advancement in mental health treatment. As with all medical treatments, exact results will vary per person.* It is always best to speak in-depth with a healthcare provider before selecting a particular therapy.

What to Expect from Ketamine

Considering Ketamine therapy to improve your mental health? Here’s what to expect during and before the treatment.

Before starting Ketamine, you’ll visit us for a consultation. Our team will assess your unique needs and medical history. From there, we can determine the proper dose and treatment frequency.

On the treatment day, your doctor will administer Ketamine in a controlled setting. He’ll check your vital signs to ensure safety. Your physician may give an intravenous (IV) injection, a nasal spray, or oral medication.

After receiving a dose of Ketamine, you’ll start feeling the effects within minutes. The psychedelic experience lasts for about an hour. You may experience altered perceptions, changes in mood and emotions, and vivid hallucinations.

Ketamine’s effects aren’t permanent. After they wear off, you may continue to experience reduced depression symptoms for several days or weeks. But the duration and intensity of these effects can vary.

Ideal Ketamine Candidates

Most people try traditional forms of therapy to improve their mental health first. Ketamine may be a promising option if you:

Ketamine is a powerful tool in the treatment of depression and anxiety. But as with any medical treatment, you should consult your doctor. Understand the potential risks before beginning treatment. Ketamine Therapy LA can determine your candidacy. From there, we’ll create a viable treatment plan to provide the relief you need.

What Are Some Other Popular Psychedelic Options?

1. Mushrooms

Mushrooms, or “shrooms” in slang, contain the psychedelic substance psilocybin. This is a naturally occurring chemical found in certain species of mushrooms. When consumed, it can produce a trippy psychedelic experience.

Shroom Effects

Mushroom effects can vary depending on the person and the dose consumed. Shrooms can produce a powerful psychedelic experience that lasts several hours. Some effects include:

Shroom effects can be unpredictable. In some cases, they can be unpleasant or even dangerous. Be cautious if you’re considering this psychedelic. Make sure you’re in a safe and comfortable environment.

2. LSD

LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) is a strong psychedelic drug derived from a chemical in a fungus called ergot. It produces dramatic changes in consciousness. LSD users can experience intense visual and auditory hallucinations for several hours.

Understanding LSD

LSD is one of the most potent psychedelic substances. Research has suggested it may be effective in treating anxiety. Experts hypothesize that it increases the levels of certain neurotransmitters in the brain. Serotonin, a neurotransmitter, plays a key role in regulating mood.

Some say LSD produces a spiritual experience that curbs feelings of fear and anxiety. Moreover, people may experience a sense of well-being and connectedness. More research is necessary for a comprehensive understanding of how LSD treats mental health disorders. With that said, it can be dangerous if misused.

3. Ayahuasca

Ayahuasca is a plant-based psychedelic substance. It’s thought to offer spiritual and medicinal benefits. Made from the Banisteriopsis caapi vine’s bark and leaves of the Psychotria Viridis bush, it contains a potent psychedelic chemical, DMT [2]. The most popular way to consume this is in brewed tea. Ayahuasca creates a powerful psychedelic experience that can last several hours.

Why Is Ayahuasca Popular?

Some people swear by Ayahuasca for treating their mental health disorders. Many get profound spiritual experiences and feelings of connectedness. These can help someone feel less depressed and anxious.

Why Choose Ketamine Over Other Psychedelic Treatments?

Ketamine’s benefits are plentiful when it comes to improving mental health disorders:

Researchers have studied Ketamine for decades. There is a growing body of evidence to support its potency as a treatment for mental health conditions. In a study, there was a significant improvement in anxiety, depression, and severity of mental illness after two weeks and a month of the final Ketamine dose [3]. Its potential therapeutic uses are an area of active investigation among researchers today.

Ketamine Psychedelic Treatment in West Hollywood, CA

Depression and anxiety are debilitating for many people. Are you not finding relief from traditional medicine? It’s time to explore what Ketamine can do for you. Ketamine Therapy LA is the premier Ketamine infusion provider in West Hollywood, CA. Residents all over Greater Los Angeles trust us with their mental wellness. Schedule a free consultation by calling (323) 650-9883.

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Ketamine for the treatment of mental health and substance use disorders: comprehensive systematic review, BJPsych Open, Zach Walsh,* Ozden Merve Mollaahmetoglu,* Joseph Rootman, Shannon Golsof, Johanna Keeler, Beth Marsh, David J. Nutt, and Celia J. A. Morgan
Ayahuasca: Psychological and Physiologic Effects, Pharmacology and Potential Uses in Addiction and Mental Illness, Current Neuropharmacology, Jonathan Hamill, Jaime Hallak, Serdar M. Dursun, and Glen Bakera

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Ketamine Infusion Treatment in West Hollywood

Man looking happy after ketamine infusion in west hollywood.
Man looking happy after ketamine infusion in west hollywood.
Woman smiling after ketamine infusion treatment in west hollywood.

Ketamine Infusion Treatment in West Hollywood

Searching for ‘Ketamine infusion near me’ will likely yield thousands of results as Ketamine therapy treatments are skyrocketing across the nation. Thanks to medical advancements and studies, Ketamine has been found to be effective in treating mental and physical health. Some of these conditions include depression, anxiety, chronic pain, and PTSD. For those interested about Ketamine treatment, there is a great deal of information they can learn. 

There are also some tips for finding the best Ketamine infusion provider near you in West Hollywood.

Why Ketamine Infusion

As you search for ‘Ketamine infusion near me’ it is good to keep in mind why you would like to choose Ketamine at all. Ketamine is a synthetic drug that was first used as an anesthetic in battlefields starting in the 1960’s. Now it is a revolutionary treatment that can provide therapeutic relief for both mental and physical ailments. For depression particularly, Ketamine is being called the “biggest breakthrough in the field of depression in over 60 years”.

Ketamine is typically administered intravenously/by infusion in low doses and works instantaneously in many cases. Recent research shows that low doses of Ketamine given by infusion help improve many mental illnesses. With an excellent safety profile and promising long-term results, men and women are looking to Ketamine for healing and relief.

Related Article: Ketamine Treatment for Depression >>

What Ketamine Can Do

As with any procedure, treatment, or medication- even for ‘ketamine infusion near me’- knowing what you want out of this is vital to making an informed and intellectual decision. Ketamine infusions do not affect the respiratory system, and though patients will enter an alternate mental state, they remain conscious and able to speak. One of the greatest benefits recently found about Ketamine is its ability to improve brain health by promoting the production of glutamate. 

This process of glutamate production enables neurons in the brain to communicate more clearly with each other, thus allowing the brain to heal itself. Unlike traditional medications that have brain chemicals (like dopamine and serotonin), Ketamine does not have to be present in the body in order for the effects of it to be working. It is the reaction to Ketamine, and not the Ketamine itself that improves mental and physical conditions.

Studies show that 6-10 treatments is ideal for sustained relief. Ketamine infusions are not for everyone, and a good provider will be able to help you determine if it will benefit you.

Related Article: Ketamine Treatment and Lamar Odom >>

Ketamine Infusion Near Me | The Best Provider In West Hollywood

The best provider in your search for ‘Ketamine infusion near me’ will be someone familiar with and experienced in handling Ketamine. Additionally, the person providing the Ketamine infusion will have a direct effect on your experience before, during, and after treatment. 

The Cosmetic Rejuvenation Medical Clinic or CRMC is a top-rated provider of Ketamine infusion in West Hollywood. Committed to providing the highest standard of care, Ketamine infusions are performed by Dr. Sirak Darbinian, MD. Dr Sirak has years of experience with Ketamine and is a board-certified anesthesiologist. Learn more about this revolutionary treatment by connecting with the Ketamine Therapy Clinic today for a free consultation!

Contact the Cosmetic Rejuvenation Medical Clinic (CRMC) today by filling out the online form or by calling (323) 650-9883.

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Woman looking content after Ketamine treatment.
Woman smiling after Ketmaine Therapy.
Woman looking content after Ketamine treatment.


Hailed as the “biggest breakthrough in the field of depression in over 60 years,” the use of Ketamine Infusion Therapy in the treatment of mental health has skyrocketed in the last two years. With more and more clinics offering this novel treatment, patients must know what to look for when Googling Ketamine treatment near me.


Ketamine is a medication long utilized as a sedative and anesthetic. However, research demonstrates that Ketamine, when administered at a much lower dose than normally given to sedate a patient, offers several therapeutic advantages in treating numerous mental illnesses. These include depression, PTSD, addiction, chronic pain, and anxiety.

Related article: Ketamine Treatment for Depression >>


Ketamine is believed to increase a person’s resiliency towards stress and anxiety. It is thought that Ketamine enables the production of glutamate. This is a chemical that helps neurons within the brain to communicate with other neurons.

When used in a mental health setting, Ketamine is typically administered intravenously. Ketamine begins to work almost immediately. Typically, a series of 10 infusions treatments are prescribed for the full course. However, this may vary depending on the condition being treated

We also have a certified life coach available to guide you through your experience during treatment and help you gain skills and the ability for a more fulfilling and mindful self. Let us help you transform your past into a brighter future. 


Ketamine’s efficacy is so profound that many clinics have begun administering this new, safe treatment. However, this medication is most familiar to and utilized by anesthesiologists.

Therefore, to ensure patients of the Ketamine Clinic at CRMC receive the highest standard of care, Ketamine infusions are performed by Dr. Sirak Darbinian, MD. Dr. Sirak is a board-certified anesthesiologist with years of experience working with Ketamine. He believes that Ketamine treatment with therapeutic intention can have a profound healing experience for his patients.

Ketamine Treatment Near Me

Informed men and women living in West Hollywood looking for the best Ketamine treatment in their area choose Ketamine Therapy LA at CRMC. Prioritizing experience, expertise, and competitive pricing, CRMC is the premier provider of Ketamine Infusion Therapy in Los Angeles.

Learn more by scheduling a consultation. Contact Ketamine Therapy LA at CRMC online by filling out the form below or call (323) 650-9883.

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Collo, G., & Merlo Pich, E. (2018). Ketamine enhances structural plasticity in human dopaminergic neurons: possible relevance for treatment-resistant depression. Neural regeneration research13(4), 645–646. LINK.

Duman R. S. (2018). The Dazzling Promise of Ketamine. Cerebrum : The Dana Forum on brain science2018. LINK.

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Man standing with arms extended and looking happy after ketamine therapy and content with the cost.
Woman smiling after ketamine therapy, content with the cost.
Man standing with arms extended and looking happy after ketamine therapy and content with the cost.


As more clinics and patients embrace Ketamine Infusion Therapy to improve mental health, many interested adults inquire about Ketamine prices. Point blank, the cost of Ketamine therapy varies per patient. The cost depends on numerous factors. Keep reading to learn more about these factors and ways to save on Ketamine Therapy.

What Is Ketamine?

Ketamine has long been used in the medical setting as an anesthetic. However, Ketamine is scientifically shown to have many therapeutic benefits on mental health, as well. Primarily, Ketamine is used as a fast-acting anti-depressant.

In 2019, Ketamine was hailed as the “most significant breakthrough for treating depression in half a century.” But depression is just the tip of the iceberg. Clinical research further shows Ketamine’s potential to improve suicidal thoughts, anxiety, addiction, PTSD, chronic pain, and more.

Learn more about Ketamine treatment for depression >>

How Does Ketamine Work?

Traditional anti-depressants dull symptoms of depression and anxiety. Ketamine targets the causes of depression and anxiety.

Scientists believe Ketamine improves mental illness by rewiring the neurons that affect your brain’s regions that influence your mood and behavior. Ketamine creates new pathways in the brain that promote mental health and wellness.

Learn more about Ketamine >>

Ketamine may improve symptoms of a variety of conditions. These conditions include:

  • Depression
  • Treatment-resistant depression
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Anxiety
  • Addiction
  • PTSD
  • Suicidal ideation
  • Migraines
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Chronic pain

Does Insurance Cover Ketamine Infusion Therapy?

The FDA does not yet clear ketamine infusions for depression.  But the science is strong, leading many mental health professionals to use Ketamine “off-label.” Unfortunately, insurance companies do not cover “off-label” uses of Ketamine. Therefore, Ketamine clinics offer the treatment on a “self-pay” basis.

How Much Does Ketamine Cost?

Most Ketamine clinics price their treatments per infusion, typically starting at $400 but may be higher depending on the dose, duration of treatment, and the condition being treated.

Most patients benefit from a full course of Ketamine infusions. These typically range from 6 to 10 sessions, spaced a few days apart over a 2-to-5-week period.

If Ketamine is right for you, your advocates at Ketamine Therapy LA at CRMC will customize a treatment plan that meets your needs and matches your budget. We will also discuss financing options.

Related article: Lamar Odom Accredits Ketamine for His Recovery >>

Ketamine Pricing Factors

The price per Ketamine infusion varies depending on which condition is being treated. Different conditions require different dosages. For example, Ketamine treatment for chronic pain requires a higher dose of Ketamine than treatment for addiction or anxiety. Therefore, treating pain with Ketamine typically costs more than treating anxiety with Ketamine.

Ketamine Treatment Costs in LOS ANGELES

As the premier clinic for Ketamine Infusion Therapy in West Hollywood, Ketamine Therapy LA at CRMC provides the highest standard of care at the most competitive prices in Los Angeles, CA. To determine how much Ketamine therapy may cost you and discover ways to save on your treatment, schedule a FREE consult with Ketamine Therapy LA at CRMC today.

Contact Ketamine Therapy LA at CRMC online by filling out the form below. Alternatively, you can call the clinic at (323) 650-9883.

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Ketamine and Lamar Odom | Re/Born | New Documentary on Ketamine

Lamar Odom smiling after Ketamine Treatment.
Lamar Odom smiling after Ketamine Treatment.

Ketamine and Lamar Odom | Re/Born | New Documentary on Ketamine

In the new documentary, “Lamar Odom Re/Born,” the famous basketball player credits Ketamine, a revolutionary drug therapy, for his recovery from addiction, anxiety, and depression.

The documentary follows Odom as he goes through a curated therapy, which includes Ketamine injections, to work through past traumas and overcome self-defeating coping mechanisms.

Learn more about Ketamine Therapy >>

Lamar Odom and Ketamine

Odom’s journey to recovery, the theme of the new documentary, follows a near-death experience. In 2015, Odom was found unresponsive in a Las Vegas brothel. Odom suffered numerous heart attacks and strokes and spent several days in a coma after overdosing on cocaine.

Obviously, Odom survived. Doctors called him a walking miracle. His near-death experience was the catalyst that pushed Odom to change his life.

Odom told Good Morning America, “I went to rehab and did some other things, but ketamine came into my life at the right time.” He continues saying, “I’m feeling amazing…I’m alive. I’m sober. I’m happy.”

Odom further says that he attends to incorporate Ketamine therapy into his healthy living regime. “I don’t think I will stop it,” he said of the drug. “I wouldn’t want to try to stop…”

What is Ketamine?

Ketamine is a synthetic drug. The FDA first approved it in the 1970s as a short-acting anesthetic. Unfortunately, its psychedelic side effects made Ketamine a coveted party drug known as Special K.

However, over the years, comprehensive medical research demonstrated Ketamine’s effectiveness for improving treatment-resistant depression. The research was so promising that the Cleveland Clinic distinguished Ketamine as one of the most “innovative medical treatments of 2017” and earned “breakthrough” status for the drug by the FDA.

The National Institute of Mental Health director, Thomas Insel, MD, backed up the research saying, “Recent data suggest that ketamine, given intravenously, might be the most important breakthrough in antidepressant treatment in decades.”

What is Ketamine Therapy?

Currently, Ketamine,  injected in small amounts, provides an “off-label use” for depression, suicidality, anxiety, PTSD, and addiction. In 2019, the FDA approved a nasal spray form of Ketamine, known as Esketamine, for treatment-resistant depression.

During a Ketamine treatment from Cosmetic Rejuvenation Medical Center, Board-certified anesthesiologist, Dr. Sirak administers small doses of Ketamine in a comfortable, clinical setting.

Ketamine takes effect almost immediately and wears off within an hour or so after the injection or infusion. During the treatment, many patients experience an altered mental state. However, patients are still able to talk and walk.

For some patients, especially those who are experiencing suicidal feelings, Ketamine brings relief almost immediately.

Ketamine is best used in conjunction with a comprehensive treatment.

Ketamine Treatment Near Me | Los Angeles

Learn more about this innovative therapy to alleviate depression, anxiety, and addiction. Get started by scheduling a consultation with the medical professionals at Cosmetic Rejuvenation Medical Center. Reach out online by filling out the form below or call Cosmetic Rejuvenation Medical Center at 323-650-9883.

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H, Choo T, et al. Ketamine for rapid reduction of suicidal thoughts in major depression: a midazolam-controlled randomized clinical trial. Am J Psychiatry. 2018;175(4):327-335. Link.

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Ketamine Treatment for Depression | Revolutionary Depression Treatment

Ketamine Treatment for Depression | Revolutionary Depression Treatment

Ketamine treatment for depression is a promising new therapy for improving treatment-resistant depression. Read on to learn more about the new depression treatment that the Cleveland Clinic calls one of the most “innovative medical treatments of 2017.”

Learn more about Ketamine Therapy >>

What is Ketamine Treatment?

Ketamine is a synthetic drug that was first found use on the battlefield as a short-lasting anesthetic. However, more and more clinical evidence emerges suggesting Ketamine to be a fast-acting treatment for the alleviation of severe depression and thoughts of suicide for individuals who do not respond to other treatments.

When used in therapeutic situations, Ketamine can be used off-label for various conditions and symptoms. These include:

  • Depression
  • Treatment-resistant depression
  • Suicidal ideation
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Anxiety
  • PTSD
  • Addiction
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Migraines
  • Chronic pain

Ketamine also comes in a nasal spray, known as Esketamine. This form of Ketamine is FDA-approved specifically for treatment-resistant depression.

How Does Ketamine Work?

Ketamine is not like your traditional SSRIs (such as Zoloft or Prozac) or Benzodiazepines (Valium or Xanax), which are commonly prescribed for depression and anxiety. This is why researchers consider the discovery of Ketamine as “a new, rapidly acting class of drug with a completely novel mechanism” as “arguably the biggest breakthrough in the field of depression in over 60 years.”

Dr. John Krystal, chief psychiatrist at Yale Medicine and one of the pioneers of ketamine research, further explains the difference between Ketamine and traditional drugs for depression and anxiety. He comments, “with most medications, like Valium, the anti-anxiety effect you get only lasts when it is in your system. When the valium goes away, you can get rebound anxiety.” In comparison, Dr. Krystal explains, “When you take Ketamine, it triggers reactions in your cortex that enable brain connections to regrow. It’s the reaction to Ketamine, not the presence of Ketamine in the body that constitutes its effects.”

Antidepressants regulate chemicals in the brain. Ketamine does not influence those chemicals. Instead, Ketamine promotes the production of glutamate. Glutamate impacts neuroplasticity. It allows the brain to physically restructure itself by creating new neuropathways. In other words, Ketamine enables the brain to “rewire” itself. Ketamine helps create new pathways (that facilitate new ways of thinking) which are resilient to depression, stress, and anxiety.

Ketamine’s novel mechanism of action is one reason why it helps people who do not respond to anti-depressants.

Fast-acting relief

Another advantage of Ketamine for depression is its near-instantaneous effects. This fast-acting drug can relieve suicidal thoughts and symptoms of severe depression within hours of the injection. This is quite different from traditional SSRIs that can take weeks to months to take effect.

Ketamine Treatment Near Me

Find out if Ketamine treatment for depression is right for you. Get started by contacting Cosmetic Rejuvenation Medical Center, the leading Ketamine clinic in Los Angeles. Reach out online by completing the form below or call the clinic at 323-650-9883.

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Duman R. S. (2018). The Dazzling Promise of Ketamine. Cerebrum: The Dana forum on brain science2018, cer-04-18. LINK.

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